Wednesday, September 25

Maitt Best friend Mai Maketeni Voti Hana Yangu Na Felly Inoroverana Saka Ndirikumubatsira Aripanhuva Yakaoma Hapana Anganditenda Asi Mwari

I was tagged in this post and I would like to thank you Lolo for acknowledging me.




True a lot of people judge me because they don’t know me only a handful knows my true self.I’m not a saint zvangu but when it comes to friendship I’m not fake neither is Fely, hana dzedu dzinoroverana.






We share a strong bond that’s why we got back together even after all that happened before.When we say my day one we mean long long back before mai maketeni and mai tt tichakumbidzana hembe.Tichipanana hupfu nemafuta tiri kubudiriro.





It’s very unfortunate people don’t know what I do behind the scene for my friend.I laugh at times when I see people saying she only wants Fame,if indeed I wanted it I would bring everything I do behind on social media for people to see.






Handisi mbinga zvekudaro but for mumwe wangu I’m trying my level best nemoyo wese.Vamwe ndovanoti ndinodanana naCat dad😂.NaCat dad tinowirirana last chaiyo but as my brother I speak highly of my friend to him all time and ivo vacho vanotoda munhu wavo zvekupenga chaizvo😍

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