Wednesday, September 25

Madamboss Sister Fungai Oti Ketina Vamwe Mutori Vatadzi Mhondi Mahure Kukunda Maitt Don't Judge Her

Don’t judge her. Some of you, got away with murder and you pretend to be holy yet you are evil. You ill treat maids, underpay your workers, mistreat your step sons and daughters.





Some of you aborted, you go to nyanga and cast spells to people who did not do anything wrong to you. Vamwe, you destroyed some happy marriages because of selfishness. The fact that you wer not in jail doesn’t make you clean.





Ari nani mhosva dzake dzakayanikwa, ko Iwe uri bere rakapfeka dehwe rehwai. What she did is wrong, acceptance and repentance takes time. One day at a time . 

The Queen of Peace ✌️! 

Achava munhu mutsva!




Zvikiti matonyengwa mkanwa. Makutonomufollower 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Chikoro chakanaka veduwee, hauzongopeperetswi uchiteedza kwaenda mhepo.





I surrender 🙌Zvagara Mwari ndiye anotonga anoona zvakavanzika zvatinoita tichifunga hapana arikuona we're all waiting for judgment day munhu nemabasa ake Mwari ngaatiwanire nyashaI follow u sometimes wen free Queen of peace.




Nhasi I want to say to you waparidza shoko rakakosha kudarika most people I think today u smashed it dear! No one is perfect 👌 we are all sinners. I am not going to repeat your words .





Thank you for reminding vaya vaya vana holier than thou.we need unity love and peace pa social media. Ngatidzidzei kuregererana vanhu wee life is too short and we need each other as sisters ❤️ Noneed forhatingeachother.

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