Friday, September 27

Madamboss Fans Not Happy Why Post Mwana Mucheche Knowing How Evil Social Media Is Behave Semukadzi Mukuru Kutotsvaga Clout Nemwana Iyeye


ini i think as much as tyra does what she wants and how she wants it to be done on her own page.... ndiye munhu anoziva how cruel social media is.... posting a one month old child is not a good choice. 



I know Tyra did it to prove kuti mwana akafanana naMhofu but ini zvandirwadza kuona mwana achitikwa nevanhu muma comments.... 



Sometimes tinofanira kuchengeta privacy veduwe no matter how famous you are zvinorwadza... Tyra i think mazuvano you see yourself uripa spotlight yakanyanya and zvauri kuposta nekuita hazvifambirani naTyra watinoziva akadzikama


my 2centsDai maceleb echikadzi emuno akafanna naMai enzo that young lady knows her privacy shem I adore her anyways munhu haarambidzwe kuita zvaanoda nephone nedata rake fti so yh isu pakapotswa hatirege kucommenter hedu ndokubasašŸ¤—


Nijo anoposta mwana wake handisati ndakunzwai muchicomplainer jus becoz ndityra mind u madam boss is a celebrity her life totoda kuiona kana iwewe zvichikurwadza wadii kubva on fb futi Matipa iceleb remember she's a brand ambassador iimi vanhu vanofunga kuroiwa ndimi moroya

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