Friday, September 27

Loveness Samaz Ofumura Noster Ghost Raimutuka Oti Mukadzi Muroyi Uyu Zvanyadzisa

Exhibit 2 Noster Richard why ? More exhibits to follow musandipikise ndati ndine information. Nyora hako but why kunyora nhema dzese idzo , tuka hako kuto masiriri but why those lies mmm askana no . Muroyi we hama chaiye. Be careful mu comment section umo vamwe ndato bloka munogona kuzoonera musoro wenyaya nepa fence .Khumo Bear you know me for a while. Uyu munhu ndaimira naye uyu and it’s painful to attach all this naye but ndazvifambira hanguTiara T Gendi it’s true you know me better it took me a long investigation to start talking

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