Wednesday, September 25

Linda Masarira Oti Vose Vanoti Ndakanyepa Ndisungisei Uyu Ane Drama

By LEAD President Linda Tsungirirai Masarira 





Good evening. One of the biggest tragedies of our media is gendered disinformation. Sadly, you can't lie against video evidence. On Tuesday, 26 September 2023, Heal Zimbabwe Trust held a public debate at Jameson hotel commemorating the International Peace Day 2023. 




The topic under discussion was, "Lessons and solutions post 23 August. Is Zimbabwe ready for an inclusive national dialogue?" The link to the debate is attached below.






As usual, it is easier to misinform and misquote to set certain normative leverage agendas. I have made an official complaint to Zimbabwe Media Commission and Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe pertaining to this matter. 






To set the record straight, one overzealous CCC supporter posed a question out of context of the topic under discussion, alleging that I lied during the Monthlante Commission. I responded accordingly, referring them to the panelist on the panel who attended the April 2018 Capetown training and May/June 2018 trainings.




They responded by insulting my person, which is characteristic of them as they have never graduated from student politics. Therefore, for newsday to pen, an article misrepresenting issues that have video evidence is totally unethical and unacceptable. I will not hesitate to take legal action on the continued gendered disinformation targeting my person and my brand. 




People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. I have persevered unnecessary insults targeted on my person because of misinformation. If anyone still feels that Linda lied, I urge them to sue me, and we meet in the courts of law.


📸 - Chelsea Mashayamombe




Let her give us evidence that she was offered $1m to relocate to America then we take here seriously,the brand she brags about is long expired kunge sandak iya yrBata

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