Wednesday, September 25

Ku ZBC Kwafanba Mweya We Zemo Rembwa Pahwahwa Vakukumbirana Kudyiwa Zviweti Blowjobhu Pabasa

ZBC kwaita mweya wezemo rembwa pahwahwa, vakadzi vanzwa ne kukumbirwa bota pamwe nebhulo job. 😂😂😂😂😂Sex scandals at ZBC ...Chiiko chirikuitika?




Someone in a group that I am in ,posed these interesting questions that we can discuss .



Hanzi vakadzi havachanyengwi here kumabasa uko ?



Are we approaching an era where man may have to be "banned" from offices and work from home.Is the solution to male sexual predators the more active promotion of women in positions of power?Are we headed to a more gay work place ?




Is someone perpetrating an aggressive management change strategy at ZBC to remove the "males" and replace them with their own minions and "side-chicks"?




Is Zimbabwe broadcasting getting "fumigated", or "feminized"?


Let's discuss....This is nothing new. It’s the culture of ZBC. If they all get blood tests, am sure we’ll have the same blood results on common STI. 




That’s how they bond. Remember how most of them died in the 90s and early 2k mushonga usati waako. 




I think there was a different agenda to get rid of them other than ma extracurricular activities avo which everyone does anywhere. 





They just need to put fliers of Durex/Protector Plus condoms on ZBC wall studios and supply monthly boxes of protection to stop spreading infections

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