Wednesday, September 25

Kikky Baddas Otaura Big Boys Rese RemuHarare Ririkurwara NeMuzvezve Kupanana Edzi Kwega Kwega Pfekai Makondom Vana Vakufira Shampompoo

Kikky badass ataura apa… for once she posted zvine musoro stop using eye tests kunze uku ...unoona munhu muclub after 2hrs makurova henyu yeke ...jus because waona akabatana ...munhu akabvumwa neARV anogona kutobatana zvekuti unotofunga kuti






hapana chirwere....when dating let's try to condomise and buying hiv self test kits anoita $3 moonesana kana muchitya kunotestwa....then koitana handife ndega ...The misconception tht it’s in Harare only will have people in trouble






Kwese kwauri don’t trust anyone. Musaite ma tests ne maziso. I know a lot of big people who are unwell




Stay wokenot only harare even kuno kuma small towns kuno vanhu vano chinjana mapartners ..... sti inotongo kubva girlfriend yablaz ,blaz voendesa kumba blaz voenda fiti kuside chick ..






side chick dates two guys one of them is married and infects you mai nhanha muripaden makatsva focus...ndichireva kuti sti inogona kubva kumba kwehama yako kuno ..Yaaa arikuziya zvaari kutaura uyu, Harare unofanirwa kupinda Kuma finals ne Capetown anenge akurirwa ndaaapiwe medal 😂😂😂

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