Thursday, September 19

Kasukuwere Gets Military Backing

The country has seen a hive of activity in the security sector as high ranking members of the military command element engage in meetings to chart the way forward for Zimbabwe as the nation grows weary and restless. High ranking sources within the security sector have revealed that a resolution by the upper military echelons has been passed and cascaded to the lower ranks, the resolution to the security sector members comprising police and military intelligence instructs them not to touch or disturb #Tysonwabantu campaigners and staffers who have been deployed on the ground.

High level sources have revealed that the Commander Defence Forces gave a chilling briefing to the president on the security situation in the country in the regular Monday security briefs.

This leak comes at a time when messages issued from #Tysonwabantu social media platforms indicate that the movement backing Saviour Kasukuwere has instructed its supporters to get ready for ground action.

 General Sibanda in his security briefing is said to have reported that most army generals have become actively defiant and anti-mnangagwa.It is reported that there was a closed door meeting of serving and retired commanders from various batallions and brigades in Capetown recently. These generals include former commander of the presidential guard Anslem Sanyatwe who landed at the Robert Mugabe international airport a few hours after the arrival of general Chiwenga.

A renowned political analyst Peter Moyo who has been following closely the #Tysonwabantu campaign says it is highly likely that the Saviour Kasukuwere movement could be planning huge mobilization programs in the provinces that will definitely shake the political spheres. Though it seems Jonathan Moyo has chosen to stand out of the Tyson Wabantu limelight.
The security resolution comes as Anti riot police have dealt a heavy hand on any Chamisa-led MDC activities. Police have been accused of attacking unarmed MDC supporters.

The heavy handed attack by the police on MDC and the universal ban on their rallies makes it more interesting to note the security sector has come out to protect the #TysonWabantu movement. This could be a confirmation that the former Zanu pf commissar enjoys a great deal of support and influence with the security sector. Rumours have been rife that Saviour Kasukuwere has been receiving support from General Chiwenga himself with some analysts reminding people that both Kasukuwere and General Chiwenga were groomed by General Solomon Mujuru and their bond grew to a point were the wedding ring that General Chiwenga wears was bought by Saviour Kasukuwere, itself a clear indication of their close relationship.

A documentary recently done and aired by BBC on the dire situation in hospitals revealed a genocide happening in the country. With no solution in sight from the Mnangagwa led government many pinned their hopes on the return of General Chiwenga that change in corridors of power is coming soon.

There has been many social media permutations on a General Chiwenga/Saviour Kasukuwere combination, with many Zimbabweans saying it could just be what the country needs and could solve the generation renewal impasse.

Zanupf commissar Matemanda has of late been losing sleep over the Saviour Kasukuwere campaign, an indication that the #tysonwabantu has unsettled the Ngwena crew. When contacted for comment about #tysonwabantu by an online publication Zanupf Spokes person Simon Khaya Moyo said " we don't comment on threats to national security"

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