Monday, September 16

Job Sikhala Says Khupe Wants Him To Be MDC-T President

MDC Alliance Vice Chairman, Job Sikhala, has sensationally claimed that representatives from the Khupe led MDC-T approached him to become their President.

Sikhala was responding to comments by MDC-T Spokesman, Khaliphani Phugeni, where he said Sikhala was not recalled because he agreed with the Supreme Court ruling that made Dr Thokozani Khuphe MDC-T Acting President.

Sikhala wrote :

*What has really Khalipani Phugeni said?*

*By Hon Job Wiwa Sikhala*

MDC Alliance National Vice Chairman and 31 July Movement Spokesperson.

I was shocked when my sister Gladys Hlatshwayo phoned me when I was driving from the Parliament car park rushing to go and read in preparation of my final Master of Laws degree Exams coming next week about what Khalipani Phugeni is alleged to have said about me.

I did not hear what he said about me because he is one guy I never ever listened to on all his various interviews he had in the past. What I am told is that he claimed that I have joined them. It must be on record that for many many years I never met this Khalipani Phugeni since he stopped attending MDC T meetings which I was a National Executive member as the Secretary for Recruitment and Mobilisation during the period of the late President Morgan Tsvangirai.

He abruptly stopped to attend MDC meetings after the appointment of VaMudzuri and VaChamisa as Vice Presidents of the party. I coincidentally bumped into him at Holiday Inn Hotel soon after 2018 elections where he told me that he had come for the launch of POLAD.

He was seated on top of his bag right on the entrance to the Hotel. I greeted him and had a few minutes chat where he told me that he is in Harare from SA for the launch of POLAD. I wonder what gave him the audacity to speak on my behalf as if I am dead.

Even Fadzai Mahere has never dared speaking on my behalf on issues of my personal thinking. This man is astonishingly brave. But he must be told before hand that respect is very important. Don’t talk about other people who have never talked about you without their consent.

It is not only dangerous but boarders on contempt of others.

What he must know is that I am rooted from the people. Millions from Zambezi to Limpopo, from Forbes Boarder to Victoria Falls and beyond our borders have strong belief in my fight for the emancipation of the Zimbabwean masses.

Every politics must be rooted from the people. It must be people centered not personal interest. What I know is that, several approaches were made by many people from Phugeni’s side for me to go and become their President.


Several times I told them I am not inspired by positions in a struggle. Relevance to a struggle is not shaped by someone’s position in the society but by the character of an individual.

Positions are sources of false importance and I am a Che Guevara who just want Zimbabwe to be free from the evils of the ZANU PF regime. In addition they have got several choices and options in VaMudzuri, VaKomichi, Mama Khupe naVaMwonzora. My loyalty is to the people of Zimbabwe and my focus is on leading a revolution to liberate our country.

I am a freedom fight and a revolutionary. To amplify my position, I have got few questions for Mr. Khalipani Phugeni,

1) Are we of the same ideological inclination that we all believe that Emmerson Mnangagwa and ZANU PF are the evil sources of all the suffering the people of Zimbabwe are going through?

2) If so why then have I never heard you in one trance or sentence attacking the misgovernance which Emmerson Mnangagwa and ZANU PF have perpetrated in our country?

3) Is the current bloodletting in our party our own making or caused by Emmerson Mnangagwa? So why are you inviting me to a Mnangagwa sideshow?

4) When are you going to pronounce the truth that all our problems originate from the doorsteps of Emmerson Mnangagwa and ZANU PF?

5) If you genuinely love me so much, I was recently in prison incarcerated for no crime at all but expression of the suffering of the masses, have you ever posed and decided to issue a statement either condemning my persecution or a mere statement of solidarity or just phoning my family to empathize with me?

6) What is your take on our persecution together with Hopewell Chin’ono and Jacob Ngarivhume over the 31st July National lockdown? Have you pronounced yourself on that?

7) Do you agree with me that people are the ultimate source of power for any government in the world?

8) If so why don’t you join me in mobilising citizens in the expression of their anger against the misgovernance in our country?

9) What is your take over issues of abductions, torture and human rights abuses that are intensified in our country at the moment? Why are you not pronouncing yourself on this critical and crucial subject of the moment?

10) Do you believe that these fights will only prolong the suffering of the masses of Zimbabwe? If so do you see the importance of unity of purpose to deal with the ZANU PF evil!? Are you speaking the language of unity or polarization? I urge you to look yourself in the glass and reflect to all questions I asked you.

Ndapedza hangu.

#Freeedom is coming.

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