Monday, September 23

Jacob Phiri pavillion Bus Driver Akaurayisa Vanhu 6 Bingura Road Asungwa Nemutemo

Pavillion bus  driver who allegedly  caused the death of two people at the 68 kilometer peg along Harare Mukumbura highway has been arrested.





The driver Jacob Phiri is being  charged for contravening section 49 of the Criminal Law Codification Reform Act Chapter 9:23 (Road Traffic Act Chapter 13:11 "Culpable Homicide").allegedly caused the death of two Bindura Rural Electrification Agency employees, Washington Chigiji (39) and Charles Kembo.





According  to police on January 27 around 07am, Jacob Phiri was driving a yellow Pavillion bus from Harare towards Bindura.





On approaching the 68km peg, he intended to overtake in front of Andrew Jack, who was driving a Nissan NP300,  heading towards the  opposite direction and caused a head on collision.

Both vehicles stopped at the edge of the Harare bound lane. Seven other passengers sustained minor injuries among the 44 who were on board the bus and five in the REA pick up truck.





Mashonaland Central police spokesperson  Inspector Milton Mundembe  confirmed the case and warned motorists to avoid speeding.

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