Sunday, September 29

Important announcement by Nick Mangwana

These Covid-19 times have been tough on businesses. Restaurants that depended primarily on sit in customers had to quickly formulate plans to deliver food you handle just take outs. Some were completely closed during the lockdown period.

Good news for restaurant owners has been shared by Nick Mangwana, a Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, on his twitter page.

The announcement read

“Restaurants are now allowed to open for sit-ins at 50% sitting capacity, under strict adherence to COVID19 Guidelines. Those found breaking the restrictions will be closed immediately.” While the general majority were ecstatic that this means the ‘normal life’ they’ve missed is slowly returning, others joked in dialect saying, “Takurohwa mari zvakanaka manje. Sit-in ine kakurohwa bag kainako yasiyana netakeaway” Any thoughts on this reopening of restaurants? Should bars and nightclubs be opened too following suit?

Let us know what you think in the comment section below.

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