Monday, September 23

Hopewell Chin'ono Oti Zimbabwe Haife Yakachinja Isu Macitizems Tikasaota Action 2024 Ticharamba Tiri Pataive

I returned home from England in 2003, exactly 20 years ago.


We wished each other a happy new year on New Year’s Day during those past twenty years and yet nothing changed, things got negatively worse.

Seniors lost their pensions and savings, the youths had no jobs to go to and the sick had no access to healthcare.






Things will never change unless WE change them, sadly that applies to 2024 too, nothing will change unless WE the people make a progressive effort to change them.







Someone who was corrupt yesterday will not change today because it is New Year’s Day, the incompetent will not suddenly become competent because it is New Year’s Day, the oppressive regime will not suddenly become democratic because it is New Year’s Day.






Job Sikhala is still unjustly imprisoned having spent his second Christmas in jail, on this New Year’s Day he is still jailed in solitary confinement at Chikurubi.






We are now in 2024 but the whole of Zimbabwe still doesn’t have a working radiotherapy cancer treatment machine.

The biggest hospital in Zimbabwe still has only one maternity theatre built in 1977 by Ian Smith.





Meaningful change requires collective effort and it starts with individuals coming together to address common concerns and work towards shared national goals that will have an impact on individual lives.


The cost of living has actually gone up today with ZANUPF taxes that have kicked in, passports to run away with from the hell hole that Zimbabwe has become have also gone up today.


You still don’t have clean running water in your homes, nothing has changed because it is New Year’s Day, things will remain the same until WE change them.


Challenges in Zimbabwe will still persist regardless of it being a new year. 

The conomic crisis, rising costs, inadequate infrastructure, broken healthcare, 95% unemployment, highest inflation in the world and more will have a huge impact on many aspects of your daily life. 


If we apply the same behaviour and way of doing things as we did in 2023, then 2024 will simply be 2023 Mark 2.


So as you wake up to this new year, remember that for there to be change, there must be collective work towards all our desired goals.


Make the most of 2024, go where your life will have better opportunities to thrive and not be held hostage by ZANUPF propaganda or opposition inspirational speeches which are not backed by tangible action on the ground.


#NgomamNdiyoNdiyo unless we collectively change things together and are driven by national interest and not power hunger for the sake of it!


Meaningful change requires sustained efforts and a united front to tackle political and economic challenges that Zimbabwe faces. 

The new year alone won't bring change, it is the collective will and proactive steps taken by the people that can make a difference.


Make the most of 2024!

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