Monday, September 16

Hopewell Chin’ono & Sikhala quits CCC after more attacks by MP Dubeko Sibanda Read more

Popular award winning Zimbabwean journalist,Hopewell Chin'ono says has quit the newly formed CCC. Writing on Twitter after enduring another day of attacks by CCC leaders, Chin'ono said he is now going to focus on journalism and not party politics.


The final straw for Chin'ono was another attack by CCC Binga MP, Prince Dubeko Sibanda, who was supported by thousands of other CC supporters who say Chin'ono is now a disruptive force in the CC


Chin'ono, who has been trying to push CCC leader, Nelson Chamisa to come up with a more effective 2023 campaign strategy, was roundly condemned, with Dubeko calling him an extortionist and a criminal.

Dubeko revealed that Chamisa is aware of the

general unhappiness by members over Chin'ono's public criticism of the CC strategy.


Chin'ono has been under fire after he openly

criticised losing Kenyan Presidential candidate,Raila Odinga, who is Chamisa 's personal friend and the CCC' s godfather.

Chin'ono was previously in MDC party structures, and was overlooked for the position of MDC Alliance spokesman, which was taken by former Hwange MP, Daniel Fortune Molekele. It was at this point, in 2018, that Chin'ono started openly supporting the Mnangagwa 2018 campaign Many former MDC Alliance members have not forgiven Chin'ono for his role in the 2018 elections

and believe that he is a mole trying to capture

Chamisa. The battle over CCC strategy has seen many disgruntled leaders feeling sidelined and lashing out The battle over CCC strategy has seen many disgruntled leaders feeling sidelined and lashing out. However, CCC President, Nelson Chamisa remains

adamant that he will not announce any party

structures. Speaking in Masvingo this weekend, Chamisa said announcing party structures will allow ZANU-PF to infiltrate the party. We have made sure that anyone who is bought by CC fails. If anyone is bought, they will be alone in the wilderness, Chamisa said during his address. Developing Story..



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