Monday, February 10

Here is the difference between CCC-President Nelson Chamisa and President ED Mnagangwa Read more

Chamisa has an easy job because he can get away with just making promises to the electorate whereas president Mnangagwa will be judged based on his ability to deliver the general expectations of the electorate. By forming a new party, Chamisa has an opportunity to dissociate himself with Tsvangirai’s toxic legacy and forge a new path for himself. Without doubt, Chamisa successfully established himself as the only credible threat to president Mnangagwa, but he still needs to prove the newness of his CCC party.


ZANU PF successfully defined itself as a Pan-Africanist party advancing the interests of black people in Zimbabwe and elsewhere, Chamisa’s CCC did not announce its position on this. In fact, Chamisa said the party is yet to formulate an ideology and define its values. However, Chamisa bragged that once elected, ‘white people will rush to pour money into Zimbabwe.’

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