Tuesday, February 11

Gezi Musikana Anotengesa Muviri Aita Vanhu vaurayane

Vapfanha ava so, shuwa kuurairana hure. A 21-year-old man from Harare man akauraya friend yake because anga abata magaro ehure rake raanga awana mubhawa. 


Passwell Chiwaura (21) was arrested following an incident at Matomati Bar where he stabb€d Takudzwa Kavhuru (21) on the stomach with a beer bottle.





On the fateful day, the deceased, Kavhuru, was on a beer binge with Chiwaura and the duo hired two s€x workers – Joyce Gwese and Patience Gezi.


The State said Kavhuru targeted Chiwaura’s choice for the night. He caressed Gezi’s buttocks while Gwese watched. Kavhuru once had a relationship with Gezi which Chiwaura was not made aware of.






Gwese then reprimanded Kavhuru and Chiwaura overheard the issue and intervened. A scuffle ensued between Kavhuru and Chiwaura and the latter picked a broken beer bottle and stabb€d Kavhuru on the stomach before escaping the scene.


Kavhuru’s tummy raptured and his intestines protruded from it and was rushed to a nearby hospital where he died upon admission.




In his defence, Chiwaura denied that he intentionally caused Kavhuru’s death. He said he mistook him for a thief, a gang attacked him and in self-defence he picked the broken bottle and stabb€d Kavhuru.


In his findings, Justice Mutevedzi highlighted that Chiwaura was not under an attack.





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