Wednesday, February 12

General Hospitals In Zimbabwe

This is an Intensive Care Unit at Rusape General Hospital in Zimbabwe.

Imagine being in intensive care in such an environment!





This is what corrupt rule, incompetence, and repression have done to Zimbabwe.

One Land Cruiser bought by the government could fix this mess at this hospital. The Government has thousands of Landcruisers and similar cars.






But this is the best we have under Mnangagwa’s regime for healthcare, it is the best they can do, they just don’t care.💔💔💔Mozambicans are fighting for new dispensation us Zimbabweans we are crying babies with folded hands.

We failed as citizens.





By this time we were supposed to cry for something else not Zanu👀Very sad in deed. Someone is busy dishing out cars to the rich ones and yet the country is struggling. Why not donate to the hospitals and clinics and other institutions around the country?

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