Tuesday, September 24

Garry Tight Zvobuda Izvo Zvinoshamisa Kuti Mwana Wa Willom Tight

Kokusataura kuti Garry Tight Mwana wa Willom Tight zvipoko mune secret inorwadza





Gary Tight best Son of Willom Tight ,Son of Dr Oliver Mtukudzi and Brothers to Sam Mtukudzi . ...... ari kungo tsimbirirwa hake nema Promoters and DJs but he's music is Mature and great in short anogona 💯







Zviye Willom ndiye wekuimba memo memo na ndinoda wangu wekumaruzevha






Nhai imi pane mamwe masongs here agarry tight ndongoziva yaakaimba natuku basi 🤔🤔

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