Tuesday, April 01

Four Gang R@PE ‘virgin’ Zupco bus conductor in front of her brother

 A ZIMBABWE United Passenger Company (Zupco) employee (23) has been left traumatized after she was gang-r_aped by four men at her home in Emthunzini suburb on the outskirts of Bulawayo in the presence of her male cousin (22).

The unknown r_apists attacked the woman, whose name has been withheld, on Monday last week at about 2.30 AM while she was going to work.

The suspects are said to have approached her while she was just about five houses away from hers and demanded to know where she was going at night.

She is said to have innocently told them that she was going to her bus stop where she would be picked up by a Zupco staff bus.

The suspects are said to have produced a knife and threatened to kill her if she made any noise before robbing her of R200.

It is said the quartet force-marched her back to her home where they took turns to s_exually violate her.

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