Friday, October 18

Forensic Economic Analysts Predicts Zimbabwean Economic Meltdown Within 2 months (98.9%)

Forensic Economic Analysts predict Zimbabwean Economic meltdown within 2 months (98.9%)

Zimbabwe which has suffered seriously from corruption, mismanagement of funds, economic policy failure is about to go down in History again. 

The 2008 era recorded the highest hyperinflation of the century. In the coming 2 months economic experts predict the same fate for the poverished country.

The economic meltdown was initially predicted in 2019 August and was allegedly ignored.

According to the findings, Zimbabwe which has been strongly depended on China will nolonger be receiving any money from China which had pledged $138 million dollars to the Zimbabwean fiscal. 

This comes after China had to cut on international aid both profitable and non profitable as it is face with an industrial meltdown itself, as a result of the Coronavirus.

Zimbabwean unemployment is expected to go to a record 98.9% as a result since most sectors relied strongly on Chinese trading. 

The country has also been hit with a drought and serious shortages of basic commodities and the country’s government has failed to manage the situation despite calls that it has according to forensic economic analyst. 

Businesses in Harare are expected to start closing down within the next weeks as Shareholders try to salvage all they can from their investments.

The Zimbabwean stock exchange faces a similar US Wall Street Crash on the 28th of March 2020. Most Zimbabwean businessman are already taking precautions to ensure that there investments are safe and protected. 

Socioeconomic experts say that, these little the government can do as confidence in it has reduced over the past few months especially with news of a military coup making head waves. 

According to finding fro the International Forensic Economic Analysts (IFEA) Zimbabwe has not mechanisms to protect itself from this fall and the government isn’t prepared for the expected outlook.

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