Title-winning coach allegedly quits Simba Bhora lured by Scottland FC
Champion captain reportedly dumps Simba Bhora for you know who
Other free agents leave Simba Bhora for the Scottish dream
Simba Bhora unveils $500k sponsorship from Scottland FC owner's company
Simba Bhora sells player(s) at a premium to Scottland
Nothing personal, Just football business?
creatinglocalheroesBlack Rhinos was founded in 1982 with star players coming from the big Teams in Zimbabwe such as Caps United
,Dynamos but the league still continues to be competitive. At times money does not guarantee titlesI wonder if they will get fans for money too...all I know we have 3 soccer teams in Zim..Dynamos , Highlanders and Caps..Dirty money that is being washed ku bhora!