Monday, September 16

Food fight two CCC election agents arrested in Mutare urban ward 6 Over public fighting ,fighting for food Read more

Mutare urban ward 6 CCC election agents have seriously injured each other while fighting for food this morning. 


The two were immediately arrested for public fighting and disrupting the smooth running of the By elections. 


The two CCC election agents deployed at Sheni Primary school A in Dangamvura ward 6 engaged in a fierce fist fighting which almost disrupted the smooth running of the By elections.


Conflict between the two erupted after one of the CCC agent only identified as Bright ate the half loaf of bread meant for the two's breakfast before the arrival of his colleague. 


When asked to account for the bread Bright was rude in response resulting in the physical entanglement of the two. 


Bright lost an upper front tooth before the police intervened to normalize the situation. The two were immediately arrested and taken to Dangamvura police station for further management.

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