Thursday, September 26

Enchantress Obatwa Nemweya Wegodo Atukwa Nevanhu Kuinsta Obvisa Account Yake Mushure Mekunge Arwadziwa Nekuroorwa Kwa Rockshade Aimbova Sahwira Wake

It is well Kamil 

Thee Big Madam deactivated account pressure yacho haina kumira mushe but varimo zvavo mumastreet neghost 😂😂rumours say Gwagon yakabaya and she said I’m deactivating my account ndakusiya business account nyadzi nyadzi 



If you have been following her instagram this past week panga pasina kumira musheInga ari petty and predictable



Sometimes we don’t realise the damage we are doing to people,,,jus imanin iri comment yako yaisa munhu mudepression ,,,sometimes we jus hav to take a minute uzvibvunze mubvunzo,,hapana fun apa 😰😰

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