Monday, September 16

Deputy secretary for Youth affairs John Paradza was pillory in Matebeleland by CCC activists

ZANU PF National Youth Affairs Deputy Secretary Cde John Paradza was guest of honour at two events which the ruling party had organised.

The first event was a sports event where the Youth League had funded soccer and netball tournaments.

Over 1 200 youths had assembled for the event and arrival of Cde Paradza which was scheduled for midday on the day.

Cde Paradza was also expected to make a key note speech at a village meeting that was held at Sigaba Village where 250 members were in attendance at 3.00pm.

At that venue were DCC executives and local villagers.

Prior to the arrival of the guest of honour, spectators gathered at the sports tournament venue at Tudi 2 Junction grounds spotted cars which were moving around suspiciously around the area with CCC regalia.

Three hours later the same cars came again playing CCC music and chanting slogans right across the road from the venue provoking the hosts.

The Youths reported this to the Matebeleland South Youth Chairman Cde Moses Langa who pursued the suspected car to the shopping centre near Tudi Junction.

They then gathered information that the car belonged to CCC supporters who were also holding their own rally on that same date but had come to see where all the people had gone since they the turnout at their own rallies was very dismal.

They return to the venue after seeing the car they had followed turn into the building they described as the CCC command centre.

Upon Cde Paradza's arrival in the area, they went directly to the second meeting point in Sigaba Village since the Guest of Honour had come in late.

They hoped he would find them still at the venue so he could appreciate the ground response.

Cde Langa who went to welcome Cde Paradza's entourage and escorted them to the meeting point, says they had just passed the turn off to Sigaba Village when they found the CCC mob from the prior incident encamped by the road side.

“When the first two cars in the motorcade appeared they jumped into the bushes leaving only two people. A few words were exchanged at the spot and one the two CCC activists reached for a stone, which was a signal to stone the motorcade.

The ambush startled the drivers who drove off the guest of honour (Cde Paradza) to safety," said Cde Langa.

The barrage of stones hurled at the motorcade damaged two of the cars including the one with Guest of Honour, Cde Paradza.

The escort team got the guests to their destination and then went back to investigate who had attacked them.

Upon reaching the shopping centre they interrogated two elderly men who manned the said CCC command centre, one 74 and the other 75 years of age.

They disclosed who had attacked the motorcade and that they had been singing and chanting slogans in their yellow regalia prior to taking off to ambushing the ZANU-PF Campaigning team.

After gathering information, they then rushed to the Tudi Junction route where they made a temporary roadblock, trying to stop the CCC assailants from escaping, as they waited for a police response.

This is where the video that is circulating on social media was taken, however the facts behind the audio in it were misleading.
No live ammunition was shot at any of the CCC cars and the two elderly women who were posing for pictures topless were not undressed by ZANU-PF members.

see video below 

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