Saturday, March 29

David Coltart Bulawayo Mayor CCC Oramba Mota Dzavapiwa Oti Mari Yacho Ndipei Nditenge Ma Ambulance For The People Of Bulawayo For The Next 5 Years



The new Mayor of Bulawayo David Coltart said he will not be getting a Mayoral vehicle for the next 5 years preferring to have those funds used for the development of Bulawayo instead 





He said currently Bulawayo only has 6 maDhodhabin trucks (refuse collection trucks) and only 5 ambulances 





This is the leadership we want!

This is the kind of leadership that can take Zimbabwe out of the current mess





David Coltart was the Minister of Education during the Inclusive Government.He was at the time member of the MDC Mutambara which would later be led by Welshman Ncube


Source #Asake CITE




This exactly what ALL elected CCC mayors should emulate!Theirs is a chance to show that they are not aftr the pomp nd fanfare,but to prove to the eletorate that they are more into service delivery nd improving the local governance's image.






They must show the electorate that they are up to task!Bulawayo is about to regain and relive its glory days with this guy as mayor. I have a feeling Bulawayo would outdo Harare in the next few years.

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