Saturday, February 08

Daisy Mtukudzi Selmor Hauziriwe Wega Mwana Wa Mtukudzi Une Drama Wakasvibisa Zita Rababa VakonThats Why Ndanga Ndisingade uuye Ku Show

IT’S been the dominant story on social media this weekend  Selmor Mtukudzi breaking down during her set in Norton and then walking away from the stage.

H-Metro led the way in reporting the events as they unfolded and this is what our readers feel in comments on our platforms on social media.

Here are some of the comments:





Now I understand why Daisy says she is dramatic and you did exactly that, mainini is right. She was given a platform kurakidza kuti Tuku blood is in her DNA and (entertain) us the fans but look at it. People went for a show and now you are in the headlines for the wrong reasons. Takutoziva ka kuti uyo throws tantrums. This was not for you Selmor but for the legend Tuku and his legacy. Basa rako kuimba basa rako kufadza isu, shanda mwanangu. Titende . – Chacha Kasere







Selmor is over 40 years old and living her own life. She just has to understand the character of her stepmother, work for herself, and leave inheritance aside. A lot died because of mombe chaidzo dzeUS$300. Selmor must grow up, you can’t disappoint fans because of inheritance stuff, respect your fans more than your own emotions. Pfuma yenhaka yakauraya vakawanda. Believe in working for yourself my sister. – Jeoffrey M Dauramanzi







She isn’t the only daughter of Tuku, he had many kids but she feels like she’s the only deserving? Probably the reason she had been excluded from the original plans, Daisy knew this kind of drama was going to happen!. – Liz Chiduku


That’s being dramatic ayida kuiswa muhomwe naDaisy here. Seems like she distanced herself from the legacy and Daisy was like we ain’t stopping because of you now she wanna be the victim cause of nosy Zimbos who were speaking for her, ko ana Shamie avaite drama wani. – Mellisa Tee Munyoro






Piki Kasamba has always been Oliver Mtukudzi dancing mate with lookalike features… In this shot all the way he did not disappoint. With the death of the main actor Oliver Mtukudzi all these family squabbles should be replaced by love and affection from all sides. The widow, with whom Tuku spent the rest of his life, must now extend a loving hand to all children regardless as an honour to her fallen famous husband. Next, we expect to see them all dancing on stage honouring Tuku’s life… All children are now grown up and must show semblance of maturity as well. The mothers must unite the children as well through tolerance. – Clifford Musungo







The band manager should have intervened sooner. When they noticed her becoming emotional, they could have seamlessly transitioned to an upbeat dance track, allowing Mkoma Piky to take the lead for a while. This would have given her time to compose herself before returning to the stage. It’s clear that the two girls are going through a lot and immense pressure and would benefit greatly from psychological counseling to manage their emotional well-being. – Lawrence Tongogara Mazhawidza






She deserved to be in that place now and again so as to mourn her father, she could have been a resident artist at Pakare Paye Arts Centre kwete kupasvika after so many years and be reminded of what could have been and perform a good act. I have a feeling she passes through that place kuti angopaone nepanze and finds solace. Gary Tight Muponda is not Tuku’s child asi akabatikana nekusasheedzwa because of the relationship he had with Tuku ko kuzoti Selmor Mtukudzi? Apa we are only talking of this place, are they even allowed kumusha kunoona guva ra baba vavo, ndizvo zvarakaisirwa where it can be monitored. Kutorine hondo dzakawanda dzatisingazive, this is just the tip of the iceberg. – Mukunda WaManondo


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