Sunday, September 29

Daddy Gwiri Anaysis Mr Lipstick Has Earned Himself A Nama Award For Being Intellectually Bankrupt

Countrymen, citizens, statesmen, kith and kin , it’s now official that Mr Lipstick is either certified insane or is intoxicated with a very powerful substance . I am not sure if the latter is more severe than the former . In any case, he does not pass the litmus test - mental stability .

Undeniably, Mr Lipstick lacks charisma in his attire and his peculiar eloquence or lack thereof. Firstly, he dresses like a scarecrow in a deserted field , and secondly he speaks in slow motion like a grade one student who secured a permanent spot on group 5 ; wherein he is dismally failing to learn his AEIOU.

More importantly, we will put aside Mr Lipstick’s aforesaid attire and his speech disabilities. More disturbingly, Mr Lipstick’s intellectual laziness has reached diabolical proportions. In his weekly cleaning acting performance, he said :
i) he wants to have a legislation to criminalize any household with cockroaches
ii) people who don’t contribute in the cleaning exercise to be declared outlaws
iii) put a legislation to legally force everyone to be smart .

I am not making this shit up !!!He publicly vomited those words .

This is his desperate attempt to preach that : ecological justice is economical justice . Ironically , he is preaching smartness when he is not mentally smart himself .

Clearly, Mr Lipstick has earned himself a Nama award for being the most intellectually bankrupt, lamest , ruthless, clueless , uncharismatic impostor of our time. The nincompoopery, tomfoolery and buffoonery he exhibits is unprecedented.

Words fail me !

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