Monday, September 16

Civil servants and uniformed forces can't afford basic commodities as the Rtgs salary eroded by inflation due sanctions place by the opposition “CCC” Read more

It will be blasphemous for Chamisa and CCC to celebrate or commemorate World Worker's Day as it has no respect of workers at all.


CCC slavery--treatment of civil servants and uniformed forces in its own has shown disrespect of workers by the so called citizen party.


Civil servants and uniformed forces can't afford basic commodities and services as the Rtgs salary has been seriously eroded by inflation all because of sanctions


Chamisa must be ashamed to celebrate or commemorate World Worker's Day when government workers children can't afford school fees because of sanctions called by him and his party


Chamisa CCC is promising liberation struggle Mujibha and Chimbwidos payments but is failing to pay current workers? Is this normal? Peñsioners are dying mainly because of stress related diseases as they were reduced to destitution by sanctions called upon by biti. 


If Chamisa and CCC were sincere they would have renamed Worker's Day to Sanctions day The slavery  banned centuries ago has resurfaced this century under CCC government .The Rhodesian government had forced labour popularly known as Chibharo. Chamisa government deny that it wants to reintroduced Chibharo or forced labour on civil servants and uniformed forces?


Forced labour or Chibharo the worker was working for a daily meal and given few dollars to take home after his contract.Today the civil servant and uniformed force their salary is only to enable him or her to be able to report to work the next day.


All civil servants and uniformed forces must register to vote for change.Its a crime against humanity for civil servants and uniformed forces to vote CCC under these conditions.A change of government will dignify teachers, nurses, soldiers, police officers, intelligence officers and all other government workers.Its unacceptable for a hwindi to earn more than a government employee.


Patriotic Zanupf speaks when things are not good for Citizens fighting for sanctions who want better change in Zimbabwe

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