Monday, September 23

Chokwadi Nyati Haisi Mombe Winni Sigauke Obviswa Matumbu Ese Ne Buffalo Zvinorwadza

Chipinge woman attacked by a buffalo on Thursday and left with dangling intestines, is now recovering in hospital after being operated on.

Ms Winnie Sigauke, who is in her 30s, hails from Gaza Village under Chief Mapungwana.





After the attack, she was taken to Chipinge District Hospital before being transferred to Victoria Chitepo Provincial Hospital in Mutare where she was operated on yesterday morning.Zanu PF Secretary for Women’s Affairs for Chipinge District, Cde Chipo Mseri, confirmed the incident last night.






We have a woman who was attacked by a buffalo here in Chipinge. Her intestines were left protruding but I can now say that she is getting better after being operated on in Mutare,” said Cde Mseri.







The Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife Management (ZimParks) is assisting with payment of medical bills.Mr Farawo encouraged communities to minimise movements at night and in bushy areas to avoid being attacked by wild animals.






He added that when people come across a buffalo, they should immediately seek refuge in trees “as no one can outrun a buffalo”.

Cases of human-wildlife conflicts are on the rise across the country, in some cases caused by depletion of pastures and water while in other cases, animals are migrating from their usual habitats due to overpopulation.

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