Friday, September 27

Chie Masiziba Otonyora Kuti Varume Huyai I'm A Single Mother Of 2 Haasi Amhanya Here

There's nothing to celebrate here in all honesty... Feelings Change, people change, relationship or marriage ends.. Such is life. Tose tine shuviro yekuti dzimba dzimire, yekuroorwa wo, yekuwana anotidawo, anotichengeta ... Iko kana vanhu maroorana or kugarisana chasara kurambana kana kufirwa asi inenge iri shuviro ye munhu kuti muchembedzane or kusvitsana murufu mune zvakanaka zvinozoenda ne pamwe. At least even after defending the man like she said aita a bold move akabuda, aigona kuramba anaye out of nyadzi kuti saka zvinozonzii?... We have all at one time covered up for people we love, who have hurt us in some way out of love, giving second chances and thinking they'll change zviriko hazvina kutanga naye. It is well ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Chie aye aanoita it's for content it doesn't mean lifebyake ndozvairi 😂😂 I life yepa soshari Iya . Behind the scenes kune nharo uko ..chete our aita munyama wekuti I sociallite 😂😂 vakawanda vanotorwa himbr kupfuura dzake uyoThe number of people who celebrate your mishaps is alarming. Life inhava yebenzi non of us can really predict tomorrowThere is nothing wrong with preaching abt having a good marriage iwe usimo mu marriage and as women we shud stand together instead of casting stoneshaa kana kuine nyika ine vanhu vakaoma nekuora moyo ndekwedu manje.zim ine vanhu vanofarir kudonha kwemunhu shame ndosaka nhamo isingatiperere.akuna ariperfect asi motofarira kuwa kwemunhu zvedi tobva tawanei.ehe uyu aiganza amushaire munhu mhosva wese mnenge muine nyaya dzake uyu aizodai uyu achidai yoweeee

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