Sunday, September 29

Chamvary Wears Apolo Jersey For Lorraine Guyo

Power FM DJ Chamvary accepted the Apology from Lorraine Guyo over the $20 balance which Lorraine owed Chamvary over being the MC at her birthday party. After Chamvary blasted Lorraine on social media and the story went viral Lorraine posted and Apology anf Cahmvary has accepted it and posted the following.

I would like to acknowledge the apology from @lorraine_y_guyo and also express my apology to her and her fans for the way I reacted on Monday.

An agreement was made between Lorraine and myself when she engaged me to MC at her party and the agreement had its conditions which were not honoured as we had agreed on Saturday and Sunday before the party. Things did not go according to plan on Sunday including the communication thereafter, and one thing led to another which resulted in me getting very frustrated & posting in anger and both of us ended up being dragged and ridiculed on social media platforms.

Once again, my apologies go out to everyone who was affected by this including both our families and friends. We live to learn, and alot of lessons have drawn from this - on both ends. Lorraine and I have settled this issue and are now moving on from it. I wish her well in her current and future endeavours.


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