Monday, September 16

Chamisa To Lose His New Party To Mwonzora Due To Illegality Read more

With just a week in existence, CCC is staring down an ugly reality: the unrepresentative leadership trying to ride on inflated popularity…


By Dr Masimba Mavaza | Social media went crazy with the formation of the new name given to MDC. The CCC has started off on a very wrong footing and it needs to be guided into political maturity.


The problem of politicians is that they want a democratic government but want undemocratic political parties. All opposition political parties in Zimbabwe are standing on undemocratic systems.


This is seen in the dubious formation of the CCC which was formed with known rules or regulations guiding them. It was introduced to the people without any structures.


Mwonzora loudly says the Supreme Court has abolished Nelson Chamisa's political career. Any new party Chamisa creates belongs to Mwonzora, and ZEC will allocate all Chamisa's voters to him. Chanosa doesn't exist anymore in politics, says Mwonzora. HOW FAR WILL MWONZORA GO?

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