Thursday, September 19

Chamisa Responds To MP’s Recall On Twitter

Zanu-PF is running rings around our doorstep and all you do is throw at us a meaningless poem loaded with empty threats, says exasperated supporters.

OPPOSITION leader Nelson Chamisa has responded to the rival MDC-T leader Thokozani Khupe move to recall four legislators from Parliament, but the youthful leader could only tweet about it, leaving some of his supporters unconvinced that he has what it takes to challenge political opponents.

You can’t rob people forever. You robbed the 2018 vote,” Chamisa said. 

He added: “First you abused ZEC and robbed. Then abused the ConCourt and robbed.

“Then abused the Supreme Court and robbed. Then abused Parliament and robbed. Then rob people’s lives daily. Then rob a whole generation and entire nation. Now we want everything back!

“We shall pursue and recover all! Zimbabwe this is our call to duty…,” Chamisa wrote on social media.

He still would not outline how his camp will set out to remain in control of the party’s structures, or to protect the over 2 million votes he amassed in the July 2018 elections. We don’t want another poem Mr. President. Zanu-PF is running rings around our doorstep and all you do is throw at us a meaningless poem loaded with empty threats. Ah, please,” said one exasperated party supporter.

Another one accused Chamisa of being too cautious because of his deep religious beliefs, calling for firebrand MDC Alliance deputy chairman Job Sikhala to wrestle power The average MDC supporter has every reason to have their patience stretched thin. It is almost two years after the last elections, and the 2023 elections aren’t too far away anymore. from Chamisa and provide leadership. 

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