Tuesday, February 11

Chairman Ve SADC ED Why

Paye patinoti Zanu PF haina chido nevanhu this is what we mean.


President Mnangagwa attended the UN climate summit recently and paakaenda ikoko, akaenda nemaGovernment officials anosvika 238. South Africa ine a population of 60 million people yakatumira only 51 delegates, while France yakatumira 63, Mozambique 78, and Botswana 39.





Vanhu 238 vaye vakaperekedza Mnangagwa kuUN climate summit vari kubhadharwa US$1,000 each for five days, totaling US$1.2 million. Apa pamari iyi we didn't include hotel bookings.





Mnangagwa paakabva kuHarare on Sunday achienda kuUN climate summit he used a private jet yekuDubai inoCharger US$12,700 per hour.


Right now Zimbabwe is facing its worst drought in 40 years, with more than half the population requiring food aid asi they are busy spending money like this. 



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