Tuesday, September 24

CCC Job Sikhala Onzi Aka Destroy 22 Home In Nyatsime Saka Jeri Haasi Kuzobuda Trial 20 November

CCC members have case to answer


Story by Fungai Jachi, Courts Reporter






Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) members Job Sikhala and Godfrey Sithole's application for discharge at the close of the State's case in a matter they are accused of inciting public violence has been dismissed for lack of merit.





In dismissing the application Harare magistrate Ms Tafadzwa Miti noted that the State has so far managed to prove a prima facie case against the two accused persons, hence they should be put to their defence.





She added that there are witnesses who placed them at the crime scene and they have to explain the utterances they made with regards to avenging Ms Moreblessing Ali's death.






Sikhala and Sithole's trial will therefore continue on the 20th of November.





The two are being charged with inciting public violence after they allegedly posted videos encouraging their party supporters to avenge Ali's death and then hired lorries to ferry people to Nyatsime in Chitungwiza.





According to the State, 20 families were left homeless in the violence, while 13 shops, six tuck-shops and vehicles were severely damaged after CCC supporters ran amok, indiscriminately attacking residents of Nyatsime.


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