Saturday, September 07

Cat Family Yoti Mai Maketeni Taikudai Asi Mushure Mekufumurwa Huroyi Hwenyu Na Ketty Tete Mildred Samaz Mmmh Amai Makaoma Kusvika Pakuda Kuuraya Maitt

Mai maketeni vati disappointer secat familyMai Maketen is this true ndaikudaiwo nemwoyo wese mufungeThis comes with great shock l was listening to Ketty Masomeras live wher she was wth Tete Mildred and Evidence l know pple might think these pple are after destroying Felie but I'm reading through the lines of that Live to be honest Memory pls prove pple wrong after all wat was said about you. I even thought that there was a statement that samas is busy sending kids messages wat if it's Mai Maketeni guys pple we let into our Spaces some aren't good as they look Why do you inform Samas abt Felie then you hide yourself. Olindas pictures trending after she lied that shz in Dubai nd u quickly took her a photo sent it to ketty shooks for sure Memory don't destroy FelistasNezuro akabatikana paakanzwa kuti Tete vakandirwa 10 000 stars face yake haina kufara nazvo

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