Wednesday, March 12

Baba Guti Vamuri Kuti Vakarwira Vanhu Vakarwa Kupi And Hondo Ipi Mazaoga Chemai Netariro Zvino Mwari Wababa Guti Zvaaenda Muchaita Sei

Mr. Guti 😂😂😂😂vakapihwa vision yekuita mari through the ministry!many people in those days when the big events of the world 🌎 were shaking and taking shape…..people used to get visions…not like us these days😂😂😂 maybe vaGuti vakapihwa 2 visions akanzi ‘Choose’ then he chose the path yekuFormer church and he lived well with lots of riches through the church! Vamwe they chose kuenda kuNyadzonya kunorwira nyika and they perished there some people their names are not known even remembered! They lie in the ‘tomb of the unknown soldier’ at the Heroes acre! Saka it’s a good lesson as we live muLife we are presented with choices each second, minute, day, week, month or year when we do our new year resolutions and plans! Let us listen to the voice inside, our intuition! God speaks to us every time it’s just that these days we have so many distractions and we no longer listen! Mr. Guti listened at his time…he lived his life comfortably rich and well respected! The future of the church is none of his concern now! It was only about him! It was his mission and he fulfilled it! Question is…. What are we fulfilling in our lives for ourselves???? Whether he has more children inside or outside of wedlock is another question for another day!munhu wa1923 tsve zvekurwisa varungu uyo hutu nebhasikoro nebhaibheri vamwe tiri kunyadzonya uko really funny character 😀😀😀Ma zaoga gather here, also UFI kwe spiritual son yavo baba Guti , nemamwe ma church kune ma founders vana vababa Guti 

Musatadziswe kuisa ma status nevanhu 

Chemai zvamunonzwa kuda 

Phone dzacho ndedzenyu ,data racho or WiFi ndezvenyu saka musasuwiswe

Imi muri kuseka vanhu zviri kunyatsokubatai papi isu veku UFIC tiri kuchema nemi mazaogaSorry nekukudzosai kumashure mdra uyu arikunzi akarwa amire akarwira kupi? Uye airwira ani?

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