Wednesday, September 25

Anderson Kadungure Baba Va Ginimbi Votaura Why Us Nguva Dzose Pandanzwa Rufu Rwemwana Wangu Ndarwadziwa And Domboshawa Yobvunza

FIRST it was Ginimbi — a car accident which took his life in November three years ago.





Now, it’s his sister Julie — a bus accident took her life on Tuesday.





She was one of the passengers killed when a Trip Trans bus, travelling from Malawi to Zimbabwe, was involved in an accident.





Now, those close to their father, Anderson Kadungure, are now asking — WHY ALWAYS US?Details Emerge - Anderson Kadungure Recounts A Trip Trans Bus Accident Took His Daughter's Life!




Anderson Kadungure recounted the moment he received the devastating news, saying, "I was attending a funeral at my mother's village when I received a call around 8 pm. Neria later called me at around 11 pm, saying Julie had lost her hand in the accident. 





I couldn't sleep and just wept. At around 3 am, I heard a knock on the door, and some women informed me that my daughter had passed away." The entire Kadungure homestead in Domboshava was inundated with villagers expressing their condolences and sharing their shock and sorrow over the tragedy. 




The constant misfortune that has befallen the family has left them questioning why such tragedies continuously strike their household.

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