Sunday, October 06

Aikaka Tavhunduka Ka Madamboss Trip Yekuma Awards Zvobuda Zvese Pachena Scott Kupa Akabhadhara Mari Yekuti Vatopinda Zvizere

It’s just about affordability yehomwe yako siyai musikana adye mari yake madiro.It’s not her money that paid Imari ya Scott. Roar Entertainment is yet another company used to launder money by the gold mafia. We are not going weaker up on a Sunday and start admiring ZANU PF looters and their beneficiaries. Please tisiyei heduVeduwee maZimbabweans ngatiregei kuita mabharanzi kudai 🤣🤣🤣🙌.







Regai vamwe vakati chimwe chibhambi chedu so🙌. Do you know that Ms Shall's Entertainment company got to co-plan the BET with BET International. That's why vainzi the African Entertainment what-what. Ndiko








kwaakadeedzwa naMs Shally vekwaGinimbi. If not mistaken, Misred was invited too but did not attend. She showed the invite on her Instagram Stories days before the awards. I was really looking forward to seeing what Misread would be wearing, love that woman and she is pure class👌🥰. Anga ari maInvite eshamwari nothing much to write home about🤦‍♀️

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