Tuesday, April 01

A police officer found dead lying in a pool of blood with an AK47 gun in his hand

A police officer found dead lying in a pool of blood with an AK47 gun in his hand. Constable Lewis Paunganwa (34) was found lying in a pool of blood with an AK riffle in his hand in a radio room. Lewis’ brother, Luton, confirmed the incident but could not be drawn into divulging more. A police officer stationed at Ruda Police Stationin Hauna yesterday shot himself with a riffle over an unknown reason. He said Lewis did not tell anyone if he had any problems that would lead to him ending his life.

Manicaland provincial police spokesperson, Inspector Luxson Chananda also confirmed the matter saying investigations are in progress.

“Cst Paunganwa commenced duties in the morning before others finished their duties around 5pm. He remained behind and at around 11pm, he proceeded to a radio room where he was later found lying in a pool of blood while holding an AK riffle. He was found by another officer who was duty who proceeded to alert the officer-in-charge,” said Insp Chananda.

A riffle with 10 rounds was recovered on him. A spent cartridge was also recovered about two metres away from his body. A small open wound under the chin and a wide-open wound on the left side of his head were noted.

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