Saturday, September 28

49 year old virgin to wed married man “I’m so grateful I kept my virginity” Read more

SHE has been attending the reed dance since she was a teenager.


And she promised herself she would not tlof tlof until she got married.

Now at 49 years old, Ngezile Mngadi has kept her promise to herself.

She will tie the knot with the love of her life, Mandlakayise Mbonambi (56) on Saturday, 9 October.

And not only is Ngezile happy to marry Mandlakayise, she is also proud to be his second wife.


Ngezile from Mkhizwana area in Cato Ridge, west of Durban, told Daily Sun, she and Mandlakayise have been together for the 12 years.

She said they promised each other to wait to tlof tlof until they get married.

“I’m so grateful I kept my virgi_nity and the promise I made to myself to wait until I get married before I engage in se_x.

“It was not easy as some people used to ask when am I getting married or having se_x,” she said.


She said she’s happy Mandlakayise’s first wife, Nomthando “MaCele” (40), welcomed her when they met 12 years old.

“She has shown me nothing but genuine love since day one. When I came into Mandlakayise’s life, I thought it was going to be difficult for me. We’ve seen how other first wives become protective of their marriages and don’t want another woman to join them, but it has been a completely different experience, with MaCele” said Ngezile.


She said that that MaCele always welcomed her with a big smile whenever she visited the Mbonambi family. “She would even prepare warm water for me to bath. She’s that kind of woman. I see a sister in her more than just a woman I share a man with,” said Ngezile.

MaCele said she was deeply rooted in her culture and wasn’t bothered when her husband told her he was thinking of getting a second wife.


“My husband and I have so much respect for one another and our culture. After he saw MaMngadi at a traditional ceremony, he came to me and told me there was a maiden he wanted to pursue.

“I gave him the go ahead without thinking twice. After she fell for him, he came back and told me he wanted to make her a second wife. Again I agreed,” said MaCele.

She said she was lucky MaMngadi was raised well by her late parents.


“She had so much respect for me as the first wife, her husband as well as the entire Mbonambi family. She made me not regret allowing her into my husband’s life and my family,” she said.

MaCele said that she has even trusted Ngezile with her problems and secrets on several occasions.

“In her I see a sister more than a second wife.”

Mandlakayise said he’s blessed to have wives who have warmed to each other like MaCele and MaMngadi.


“Someone who does not know might think they are biological sisters. I’m happy to know I don’t have to worry about any squabbles between my two wives. I can’t wait to officially them under one roof. I am sure even my ancestors are smiling on me,” said Mbonambi.

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