Saturday, September 28

3 robbed during a visit to the cemetery

3 robbed during a visit to the cemetery. The robbers, who are still at large, went away with US$90, cellphones and a laptop. Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube said they were still investigating the matter. Three Bulawayo residents were on Saturday robbed at knifepoint by two men and two women at West Park Cemetery. He said the victims were from Mahatshula and Nketa 9 suburbs.

“On March 20 at 4:20 pm, the complainants visited the West Park Cemetery to check on the state of their three relatives’ graves. They parked their cars opposite Green Spar Beer Hall near West Park Cemetery and walked to the gravesite,” police said.

“While still searching for the grave numbers of their relatives, two men appeared from the west side and ordered them to lie down on their stomachs. They tried to resist, but one of the accused persons produced a silver kitchen knife and they complied. The accused person, who was also holding a knife, demanded to be given all their valuables.” Ncube said the three surrendered their belongings which comprised a purse containing US$90 and cellphones.

“One of the suspects force-marched one of the complainants to their vehicle, leaving the other guarding the other two. On their way to the car, the accused was joined by two female accomplices who suddenly emerged from the bush. They went to where the vehicle was parked and searched for the car and took a laptop.

“The three accused persons and the complainants returned to the cemetery where they had left their counterpart with the other two complainants. The accused ordered the complainants to remain on the ground as they fled into the bush.” The victims filed a report at Mzilikazi Police Station.

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