Tuesday, April 01

21-year-old man who axed 5 people and 2 cows to death in 1 night escapes jail

 21-year-old Gokwe man who fatally axed five people and two cows in one night has been spared jail life after the High Court ruled that he was mentally ill when he committed the crimes in March last year. 21-year-old man who axed 5 people and 2 cows to death in 1 night escapes jail. Christopher Gotore of Chimombe village, Marapira area under Chief Jiri was staying at his sister Ms Patience Gotore’s marital home in Marangana, Lusulu in Binga when he committed the crimes On March 6 around 8PM last year, Gotore armed himself with an axe and proceeded to a neighbour Admire Nyangarai’s home where he struck him before setting a bedroom hut on fire.

Nyangarai’s wife Bibeat Munsaka (23) fled with her daughter Loice Compassion Nyangarai aged one year on her back but Gotore gave chase and struck them dead in a maize field. Gotore went back home and entered a bedroom hut where he axed his sister’s seven-year-old son Shane.

Another minor boy who was sleeping in the same hut was not harmed. He came out of the hut still carrying the axe and went to where his sister and husband Mr Bruce Sibanda and aunt Chiravigwa Shumba(64) who had just arrived from Gokwe were sitting and struck Shumba twice on the neck.

Mr Sibanda and his wife fled from the scene after failing to disarm Gotore who pursued his brother-in-law but failed to catch him. Gotore then went to a cattle pen and axed a cow and its calf before disappearing into the night.

He was charged with five counts of murder and two others of malicious damage to property following the death of the five people, burning of hut and killing of two cows. Bulawayo High Court judge Justice Martin Makonese who is on circuit in Hwange said the murder was bizarre.

“This is one of the most gruesome and bizarre murders as the accused went on a killing rampage. The victims were related to him and there is no explanation for his behaviour.

“Evidence in court showed he suffered mild mental retardation from induced substance abuse. He tendered a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity and from the evidence in court we are satisfied and find him not guilty of the multiple murders and malicious damage to property for reason of insanity in terms of Section 29 of the Mental Health Act. The accused must be returned to prison pending transfer to Mlondolozi Mental Health Institution as he is a danger to society,” said Justice Makonese. Gotore who was represented by Mr Charles Muleza of Legal Aid Directorate, did not utter any word in court even when asked questions.

He only stood in the dock facing downwards on the floor. The judge asked if he understood the judgment and he did not respond as he kept facing down. Prosecuting Mrs Martha Cheda said Gotore started staying at his sister’s marital home in 2018 before committing the crime last year.

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