Thursday, September 19

2023 Presidential Contest Gets Hotter Mwonzora Joining Biti In The Race

2023 Presidential Contest Gets Hotter Mwonzora  Joining Biti In The Race

The race for the 2023 presidential seat is gaining momentum even though it is 3 years away. As the clock ticks, ambitious politicians are intensifying their strategies as new entrants join the race for the top seat.

A report by the Daily News has revealed that the MDC Secretary General, Douglas Mwonzora, has hinted on throwing his hat in the ring for the highest office in the land. In a speech delivered on Sunday in Manicand at his cousin's funeral, he was quoted saying that he has been tipped for the top seat and therefore urged members of his community to unite and offer him the necessary support.

Mwonzora hinted that God was leading him in the journey to the top seat. He further told the people to vote him President at the forthcoming MDC extraordinary Congress.

"I am like a little child who is being helped to cross a road. I only need your prayers as God holds my hand to the ultimate destination.”

"I am appealing to you, my brothers and sisters, to put your political differences aside and be united as a community. This country is destined for greatness. I just need your support," said the SG.

The report further reveals that the SG's comments came at the backdrop of several calls from the local leaders including MDC MPs who challenged Mwonzora to make a statement whether he will run for the top seat in 2023 if they are to support him.

The report is perhaps a testament that 2023 elections may have several participants trying their luck for the top.

Already, the MDC A VP, Tendai Biti, has begun the journey to Statehouse by holding several meetings with party structures, religious leaders and community representatives at his Harare residence in what is seen as a strategy to woo the groups to stand with him when the time comes.

As it stands, Biti appears set for the ballot come 2023 regardless of whether MDC A grants him the Party ticket or not.

Last week, he told the Daily News that he will make an effort to solve the issues in the MDC A party and if things fail, he will have to look for an alternative.

On the other hand, the divided G40 Team in the MDC A appears to be unsettled on who they will back for the top seat.

Though the MDC A leader, Nelson Chamisa, is yet to declare interest for the top seat, a faction aligned to him has already endorsed him.

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