Saturday, September 28

2 students attempt suicide over bullying by a prefect Read more

2 students attempt suicide over bullying by a prefect. The two who took an overdose of tablets were rushed to Louisa Guidoti Hospital where they were treated and discharged on Wednesday morning.


Two Form three pupils aged 16 from All Souls Mission High School in Mutoko attempted to commit suicide this Tuesday after allegedly being bullied by a prefect at the school.

Mashonaland East Provincial Education Director Mrs Anatoria Ncube confirmed the incident, adding that investigations are underway to establish what transpired. A team from Mutoko District Education Office has been dispatched to the school to carry out investigations.

The incident comes at a time when cases of suicide among teenagers have been on the increase countrywide.


Bullying has also become a major source of worry at most schools with Primary and Secondary Education Minister Honourable Cain Mathema on record urging learning institutions to put in place mechanisms to curb the social ill.


Last year, three pupils from Mutero High School in Gutu, Masvingo were given three months jail sentences for bullying. The sentences were, however, wholly suspended.

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