Saturday, September 28

Scott Sakupwanya appointed AAG President takes over Mike Chimombe’s position Read more

Prominent businessman,Scott Sakupwanya has been appointed Affirmative Action Group (AAG) President with immediate effect.

Sakupwanya takes over from Mike Chimombe who was relieved off his duties this Monday. Affirmative Action Group founding President and appointing authority, Phillip Chiyangwa has announced a new AAG leadership that will replace Mike Chimombe, his deputy Munyaradzi Kashambe.

Flanked by former AAG President, Chamu Chiwanza at a media briefing held in Harare Today, Chiyangwa announced the appointment of Mr. Scott Pedzisaai Sakupwanya as the new president of the empowerment group.

“I am happy to announce that Scott Sakupwanya is the new President of AAG. He will be deputized by Honourable Elizabeth Masuku, while Tawanda Dzore will be the the chief spokesperson and other appointments will follow.

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