Saturday, September 28

“Masvingo girls hate condoms “ Read more

A HEALTH ex­pert in Masvingo has raised a red flag over the be­hav­iour of most sex­u­ally ac­tive girls amid re­ports that about 70 per­cent of young women pre­fer the morn­ing-af­ter-pill ahead of con­doms.

In an in­ter­view last week, the Zim­babwe Na­tional Fam­ily Plan­ning Coun­cil (ZNFPC) mar­ket­ing of­fi­cer, Mr He­bert Chikosi said re­search has re­vealed that dur­ing school days, most phar­ma­cies in Masvingo run out of the morningafter-pill sug­gest­ing that sex­u­ally ac­tive girls pre­ferred them in place of other meth­ods.

He said the trend was wor­ry­ing con­sid­er­ing that the coun­try was try­ing to erad­i­cate new in­fec­tions. Mr Chikosi also said dur­ing school and uni­ver­sity days, health fa­cil­i­ties have also recorded high in­ci­dents of sex­u­ally trans­mit­ted in­fec­tions (STIs) thereby scut­tling ef­forts of achiev­ing zero in­fec­tions by 2030.

“We are un­for­tu­nate here in Masvingo, as we have dis­cov­ered that most young girls are shun­ning the use of con­doms dur­ing in­ti­macy. They pre­fer the morn­ing-af­ter-pill and about 70 per­cent from the sam­ple size we used are found on the wrong side. Youths are more wor­ried about fall­ing preg­nant than con­tract­ing STIs which is a con­duit to HIV in­fec­tion.”

He said while the morn­ing-af­ter­pill help the girls against un­wanted preg­nan­cies, it was dis­as­trous in terms of HIV preven­tion.

“We there­fore en­cour­age the sex­u­ally ac­tive youths to use con­doms in­stead of the emer­gency con­tra­cep­tive so that we can win the war against new in­fec­tions, es­pe­cially HIV. Our con­dom cham­pi­ons dis­trib­ute free con­doms in col­leges, public places such as bot­tle stores or beer halls, uni­ver­si­ties as well as hos­pi­tals. These con­doms are for free that youths can get at zero cost.”

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