Saturday, September 28

"I had no intention of disrespecting the Highest office of our beloved revolutionary" President Mike Chimombe speaks about the dressing issue  Apologising President and the cabinet

Reference is made to a tweet by Cde Nick Mangwana about my dressing when we visited H.E President Emmerson Mnangagwa yesterday.

On behalf of the AAG and in my individual capacity I wish to sincerely apologize to the office of the President and Cabinet , Zanu PF and all fellow Zimbabweans for my dressing. It's unfortunate the meeting was given a green light unexpectedly and I could not get time to rush home and change into formal wear. As it was a weekend I was dressed in casual and did not expect to be lucky enough to interact with the first Citizen.

I agree with Cde Mangwana my dressing was inappropriate and i promise that oversight will be corrected in future. I had no intention whatsoever of disrespecting the HIGHEST office of our beloved revolutionary FATHER and LEADER PAR EXCELLENCE. As Youths with the steward leadership of the second republic our lives have began shaping up and as your children wr make mistakes and stand to be corrected. Thank you Cde Mangwana , point well taken.

"I had no intention of disrespecting the Highest office of our beloved revolutionary" President Mike Chimombe speaks about the dressing issue  Apologising President and the cabinet

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