Monday, September 16

“God And The Ancestors Know That ZANU PF Rules Zimbabwe” President ED Mnangagwa speaks Read More

President Emmerson Mnangagwa says God and the ancestors know that ZANU PF is the party in power in Zimbabwe.

Addressing thousands of ZANU PF supporters during a campaign rally at Siabuwa High School in Binga District, Matabeleland North Province on Saturday, Mnangagwa said only misguided ancestral spirits will refuse to testify that ZANU PF rules Zimbabwe. 


Makanzwa ndichiti nyika yeZimbabwe is one, tikavhunza Jehovah arikumusoro uko kuti nyika inotongwa nani, anoti ne ZANU PF.


Tikavhunza midzimu yese kuti nyika ino inotongwa nani, inongoti inotongwa ne ZANU PF.

Iwe wako midzimu ichikuti haitongwe ne ZANU PF midzimu kwayo here iyoyo?

You heard me saying Zimbabwe is a unitary State, if we ask Jehovah [the name God in the Hebrew scriptures] in heaven who rules Zimbabwe, He will say it’s ruled by ZANU PF.

If we were to ask the ancestors who rule Zimbabwe, they will also say ZANU PF.

If your own ancestors refuse to acknowledge that ZANU PF rules Zimbabwe, those ancestors are misguided.

President Mnangagwa admitted that Binga has been lagging behind in terms of development and pledged to accelerate the district’s infrastructural development. He said:

Since independence in 1980, we did not visit this area under President Mugabe. We also want to say in honesty that in the past Binga did not vote for ZANU PF. It was not your fault; it was ZANU PF’s.

Binga has been lagging behind in terms of development. If you want roads to be fixed, good schools for your children, you don’t go to the opposition because you will never find solutions there,” he said.

I will also avail four buses. I am told there are no science laboratories, no computers… so I brought computers for Siabuwa High School. The country is built by its citizens. We are building our children.

The Gwayi-Shangani Dam is now at 60% completion. Upon completion, it will serve Lupane to the West and Binga to the East. Some of the water will irrigate the chiefs’ fields.

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