Monday, September 16

Politics News

September 02, 2020

2023 Presidential Contest Gets Hotter Mwonzora Joining Biti In The Race

2023 Presidential Contest Gets Hotter Mwonzora  Joining Biti In The Race The race for the 2023 presidential seat is gaining momentum even though it is 3 years away. As the clock ticks, ambitious politicians are intensifying their strategies as new entrants join the race for the top seat. A report by the Daily News has revealed that the MDC Secretary General, Douglas Mwonzora, has hinted on throwing his hat in the ring for the highest office in the land. In a speech delivered on Sunday in Manicand at his cousin's funeral, he was quoted saying that he has been tipped for the top seat and therefore urged members of his community to unite and offer him the necessary support. Mwonzora hinted that God was leading him in the journey to the top seat. He further told the people to

August 26, 2020

Some MDC Alliance Bigwigs Pushing To Expel Sikhala From MDC

SOME MDC Alliance bigwigs are said to be making a determined push to have the coalition’s firebrand deputy national chairperson, Job “Wiwa” Sikhala, expelled for his radical political activities and dogged opposition to Zanu-PF and its government. The sources who spoke to the Daily News said senior Alliance officials had recently discussed Sikhala’s jettisoning in the party’s standing committee (SC) WhatsApp group of which the combative Zengeza West MP is a member. Contacted for comment, Sikhala would neither deny nor confirm the move to expel him saying if there were such moves he would respond to them after he had dealt with his current travails with authorities. All this comes as the government has come under intense local, regional and internation

August 06, 2020

South Africans Plan Massive Demo At Zim Embassy In Pretoria

A South African pressure group #NotInMyName will be staging a mass protest at the Zimbabwean Embassy in Pretoria in solidarity with suffering Zimbabweans on Friday. The march is being organised by famed South African activist Themba Masango. The much-hyped march follows a series of Tweets by South African eminent persons and celebrities who used #ZimbabweanLivesMatter hashtag to highlight the plight of Zimbabweans. Economic Freedom Fighters have called for the closure of the Zimbabwe Embassy until the government respects human rights.

June 27, 2020


‪ZIMBABWE NEEDS A FRESH START & A PEOPLE’S GOVERNMENT 1/Zimbabwe is sinking courtesy of bad policies & bad leadership.This is leading to abject poverty & untold suffering. Just imagine the Policy inconsistency, contradictions & reversals e.g termination of the multiple currency regime in favour of the local currency & later on return back to dollarization in less than a year.‬ ‪2/Replacing of a fixed exchange rate with an interbank market rate & then going back to a fixed exchange rate &a month later disbandment of the fixed exchange rate regime with an auction system points to tragic policy reversals & policy contradictions just within a few months.‬ ‪3/The approach in dealing with corruption is ample a demonstration of leadership i

June 24, 2020

Thokozani Khupe Recalls 9 More MDC Alliance Parliamentarians

The Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) led by Thokozani Khupe has recalled nine parliamentarians of the opposition MDC Alliance. This comes barely two weeks after High Court judge, Joseph Mafusire, made a provisional order stopping the Khupe MDC formation from refilling positions left vacant by the recalling of four legislators - Thabitha Khumalo, Lilian Timveous, Charlotte Hwende and Prosper Mutseyami - aligned to Nelson Chamisa’s MDC Allience. House of Assembly Speaker Jacob Mudenda announced Tuesday that the MDC-T has recalled Amos Chibaya, Happymore Chidziva, Nomathemba Ndlovu, Anna Muyambo, Francesca Ncube, Murisi Zwizwayi, Virginia Muradzikwa, Concilia Majaya and Mucharairwa Mugidho. The party’s presidential spokesperson, Khaliphani Pugeni, said the MDC-T will

June 17, 2020

Zimbabwe Security Forces On High Alert Fears Of Protest

THE Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) remains on high alert amid fears some Zimbabweans want to use the Covid-19 lockdown to cause political disturbances in the country, Police Commissioner General Godwin Matanga has said. Appearing before the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Care, Matanga said his officers were working under very unstable conditions as some unidentified elements were bent on taking advantage of the current Covid-19 lockdown operation to destabilise the country. “As your ZRP, we enforce the law, but we are not allowed to interpret it. At roadblocks we are operating under a very dangerous situation,” Matanga told parliamentarians. “The whole nation is looking at the Covid-19 pandemic operation yet there are elements within the coun

June 17, 2020

Mnangagwa Is Sorrounded By Bandits Crooks & Scoundrels

The most remarkable benefit of Zimbabwe liberation struggle is the disappearance of the institution of government. "Government," as we knew it at independence, does not exist anymore. As the war was raging, we were inundated with yearly labels like "Gore Remasimba eVanhu" idolized by Oliver Mutukudzi in a song. What we knew was a struggle that will guarantee us a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people." With that democratic requirement now a pipe dream in Zimbabwe, we were now expecting the government, especially the President, at a minimum, to care for and be responsive to the needs of the people, or at least to perform some basic services for the people. But even these minimal requirements are non-existent. Our government as an entit

May 11, 2020

Khupe Faces Expulsion From MDC-T

The fight for MDC-T presidency has taken a new turn amid reports of a plot to push out acting party leader Thokozani Khupe from the race because of her close association with President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Political Actors Dialogue (Polad).  Khupe’s MDC-T and several other fringe opposition parties are members of the Mnangagwa-initiated platform to resolve the country’s political contestations, but MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa has sarcastically dismissed the platform as a “Zanu PF choir” Khupe has since threatened to take over Chamisa’s party on the strength of a recent Supreme Court ruling that recognised her as acting party president and ordered the warring factions to revert to the MDC-T structures of 2014. But Douglas Mwonzora, who as

May 07, 2020

Chamisa Responds To MP’s Recall On Twitter

Zanu-PF is running rings around our doorstep and all you do is throw at us a meaningless poem loaded with empty threats, says exasperated supporters. OPPOSITION leader Nelson Chamisa has responded to the rival MDC-T leader Thokozani Khupe move to recall four legislators from Parliament, but the youthful leader could only tweet about it, leaving some of his supporters unconvinced that he has what it takes to challenge political opponents. You can’t rob people forever. You robbed the 2018 vote,” Chamisa said.  He added: “First you abused ZEC and robbed. Then abused the ConCourt and robbed. “Then abused the Supreme Court and robbed. Then abused Parliament and robbed. Then rob people’s lives daily. Then rob a whole generation and entire nation

April 05, 2020

Edwin Dzambara Accuses Nelson Chamisa US$3 Million Fraud

The Chairperson of the Morgan Tsvangirai  Legacy Edwin Dzambara has sensationally accused MDC leader Nelson Chamisa of diverting over US$3 million party funds for his personal use. In a press briefing on Friday Dzambara said Chamisa abused over twenty percent of US$18 million which was allocated to the MDC under the political finances Act. He said the money was meant to pay for  the medical bills of the late Morgan Tsvangirai but Chamisa diverted the funds. Chamisa’s spokesperson Nkululeko Sibanda has refuted the allegations leveled against his boss.  

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