Saturday, March 29

Politics News

August 30, 2023

SADC Yoti MaElections Akuitwa Rerun ZEC Haide Kana Kuonekwa Ipapo

Zvanzi SADAC maelections avekutangidzwa ZEC haidihwi kana kuonekwa panovhota vanhu kure uko SADC irikutuma team ichange ichitungamirwa nevaimbova President weTanzania VaJakaya Kikwete kuzoongorora nyaya yeSarudzo dzedu dzakabiwa neZanu PF       Ndozviya zvandakataura musi wa 23 kuti "expect a lot of diplomatic and constitutional drama"   VaKikwete pavakanga vachichiri President muna 2008 vakashanda zvinesimba kuti Zanu PF ibvume kupinda muInclusive government iyo yaiva hurumende yemushandira pamwe ye MDC neZanu PF         Parizvino hapana ati aziva kuti nhaurirano dzacho dzichafamba sei uyezve kuti chii chichabuda madziriiAsi zviripachena kuti dunhu reSADC pamwe neAfrica yese jekerere irikuzviona kuti sarudz

August 30, 2023

Thomas Mapfumo And Hopewell Vachitaura Zvenyika Yedu 2 Legends Zimbabwe Let's Be Fearless Ngatirwire Nyika From ZANUPF

The things that we learnt from talking and listening to these two great men (GOATS) are immeasurable.       They both came from the dusty townships and became self made international superstars.         There is a reason why they made it, everyone of us has that thing in us, you choose to tap into it or not.       Tuku taught us to keep asking key questions regardless of how inconvenient they may sound, and to be creative when need be but still speak.       Mukanya taught us to be fearless and not allow someone’s fear to be ours.I hope that you too have your personal lessons from these two great men, and that you use them meaningfully and constructively to thrive in you

August 30, 2023

Zrp And Zanupf Vakuda Hondo Nema Citizens Vanhu Votsamwa Harare Yazara Mapurisa Varikutongorova Vanhu

Zrp and Zanupf are itching for war with citizens, I mean the country is generally peaceful and ivo ndivo varikuda kukonzeresa noise.          Manje vadzirasa ma citizens aka parker steady and zvirikuvashungurudza hence they are doing patrols during the day and especially at night kuda kuvhundutsira vanhu..         Pashata zvaezvinezvi wakugona kungotorwa nevakomana wakavarairwa kunyanya vano louder pa soshari see comments section for full details👐

August 24, 2023

Mliswa Loses To Tsvangirai In Norton Elections mukuri Vazvamburwa

The initial results of Zimbabwe’s 2023 elections are being reported, indicating that Richard Tsvangirai of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has defeated the incumbent independent Member of Parliament, Temba Mliswa, in Norton. The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) is currently in the process of verifying and consolidating results in various regions. Caston Matewu, the CCC Member of Parliament for Marondera Central, has claimed his re-election through a social media announcement. We will provide ongoing updates as additional results become available.

January 29, 2023

opposition party CCC has no funds due to lack of oligarchies within the party leaders, "The party is bankrupt ,we don't have funds."- Vice President Biti

opposition party CCC has no funds due to lack of oligarchies within the party leaders, "The party is bankrupt ,we don't have funds."- Vice President Biti .   Oligarchy wave hit opposition party CCC , the party is  not yet launched, It has no structures ,the party has no funds and budget .   Lack of accountability has corroded trust within opposition party CCC . Well-wishers and donors who were helping CCC with funds requested for accountability of  the past donations before giving them money which is causing brawl amongst the party leaders accusing each other of misusing funds .In question is a bulletproof car which was never bought after a donation of US $120K.

January 13, 2023

Every Election Year we witness Great leader's Names being dragged into the mud by the opposition as a way of causing chaos within the party ,dividing voters CCC politicizes church activities Read more

It is a known fact that recently, CCC Harare Mayor Councillor Mafume, also an SDA member refused for Mr Tagwirei to refurbish Rufaro stadium. Beyond the political tussle is a fight for the soul of the SDAs churches political soul.      The SDA church was predominantly foreign funded from conception, and the CCC has always considered it their, "stronghold", until lately. With the opening up of the economy by the government, we have local players who have become financially strong and can contribute towards growth and vision of the church. This is not sitting well with some SDA politicians.   National politics has resultantly affected church politics. Mr Mafume and Thabani Mpofu are senior CCC members of the Adventist church who have enjoyed the

January 08, 2023

Tom Deuschle denounced President ED Mnangagwa Read more

In a statement Tom Deuschle deduced that there can't be Pastors4ED ,"you Can't be a Pastor for ED ,you can only be a pastor for our Lord Jesus."He added that Pastors are being manipulated by the state to support political ideologues.He went on to say that this Pastors4ED is an abomination and ridiculous .This just shows the deep hatred of the whites towards Zimbabweans as Tom Deushle claimed his facts without full understanding and knowledge of what is meant by Pastors4ED .They are intimidated by the Peace in Zimbabwe.   You can't separate pastors and politics . As we all know ,leaders are appointed by God  and ordained by Pastors .   Pastors for ED is a movement that shows that Zimbabwe is a Democratic country and its progressing under t

October 19, 2022

Deputy secretary for Youth affairs John Paradza was pillory in Matebeleland by CCC activists

ZANU PF National Youth Affairs Deputy Secretary Cde John Paradza was guest of honour at two events which the ruling party had organised. The first event was a sports event where the Youth League had funded soccer and netball tournaments. Over 1 200 youths had assembled for the event and arrival of Cde Paradza which was scheduled for midday on the day. Cde Paradza was also expected to make a key note speech at a village meeting that was held at Sigaba Village where 250 members were in attendance at 3.00pm. At that venue were DCC executives and local villagers. Prior to the arrival of the guest of honour, spectators gathered at the sports tournament venue at Tudi 2 Junction grounds spotted cars which were moving around suspiciously around the area with CCC regalia. Three ho

August 22, 2022

CCC leader Nelson Chamisa is reportedly under pressure to account for US$122 300 donated by his supporters for the purchase of a bulletproof off-road vehicle for his use Read more

CCC leader Nelson Chamisa is reportedly under pressure to account for US$122 300 donated by his supporters for the purchase of a bulletproof off-road vehicle for his use. A GoFundMe initiative was launched to purchase the vehicle after Chamisa’s motorcade suffered several attacks from suspected ZANU PF supporters and State security agents during his tour of Masvingo and Manicaland provinces. Individuals who claim to have supported the initiative are now demanding updates and to know what happened to the money that they donated for the vehicle. CCC spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere told NewsDay that the vehicle had not yet been delivered and referred further questions to the organisers of the initiative, Citizens Action for Change also known as the Citizens Organisers.  

August 18, 2022

Hopewell Chin’ono & Sikhala quits CCC after more attacks by MP Dubeko Sibanda Read more

Popular award winning Zimbabwean journalist,Hopewell Chin'ono says has quit the newly formed CCC. Writing on Twitter after enduring another day of attacks by CCC leaders, Chin'ono said he is now going to focus on journalism and not party politics.   The final straw for Chin'ono was another attack by CCC Binga MP, Prince Dubeko Sibanda, who was supported by thousands of other CC supporters who say Chin'ono is now a disruptive force in the CC   Chin'ono, who has been trying to push CCC leader, Nelson Chamisa to come up with a more effective 2023 campaign strategy, was roundly condemned, with Dubeko calling him an extortionist and a criminal. Dubeko revealed that Chamisa is aware of the general unhappiness by members over Chin'on

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